Benefits of Using Prong Collars for Training a Golden Retriever

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When it comes to training a golden retriever, many individuals opt for traditional methods such as positive reinforcement and rewards-based training. While these techniques can be effective, they often take a considerable amount of time and effort. This is where prong collars come in. Despite their controversial reputation, prong collars have been proven to be a safe and effective training tool for a golden retriever. In fact, there are four distinct benefits that make them worth considering: improved obedience, reduced stress, shorter training time, and quick results. Let’s dive into each of these benefits to see how they can make the training process more efficient and ultimately lead to better behavior in your furry companion.

One of the key benefits of using prong collars for training a golden retriever is improved obedience. The prongs on the collar act as a communication tool between a dog and their owner, mimicking their mother’s natural correction. This type of correction is gentle and effective, making it an ideal training method for a golden retriever. Additionally, prong collars are designed to be a tool used in conjunction with other forms of training, such as positive reinforcement, not a replacement. By combining these techniques, pet owners can see fantastic results with a well-behaved and obedient pet.

In conclusion, while there are varying opinions on the use of prong collars, their benefits cannot be denied. By using prong collars in conjunction with positive reinforcement, pet owners can see quick results leading to an obedient and well-behaved golden retriever. Not only can prong collars reduce stress and shorten training time, but they can also provide a safe and effective way to communicate with your pet. When considering training methods for your pet, prong collars should certainly be an option to consider.

Doing Digital Transformation Right

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, digital transformation has emerged as a crucial strategy for organizations aiming to stay competitive and relevant. However, the journey towards a successful digital transformation is multifaceted and requires careful planning, strategic execution, and adaptability. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the key elements and best practices that organizations can leverage to ensure a successful digital transformation.

1. Establishing a Clear Vision and Strategy:

  • Define Your Objectives: Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the digital transformation. Whether it’s enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, or exploring new revenue streams, a well-defined vision provides direction.
  • Align with Business Strategy: Ensure that the digital transformation strategy aligns with the broader business strategy. The integration of digital initiatives into the overall organizational goals enhances coherence and synergy.

2. Leadership Commitment and Engagement:

  • Top-Down Support: Securing commitment from top-level leadership is essential. Leaders must champion the digital transformation, emphasizing its importance and setting an example for the rest of the organization.
  • Create a Culture of Innovation: Foster a culture that encourages innovation and embraces change. Leadership should actively promote a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth.

3. Building a Cross-Functional Team:

  • Diverse Skill Sets: Assemble a team with a diverse set of skills, including technical expertise, project management, and change management. A cross-functional team ensures a holistic approach to digital transformation.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Facilitate open communication and collaboration among team members. Clear lines of communication prevent silos and encourage the sharing of insights and ideas.

4. Investing in the Right Technologies:

  • Technology Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of existing technologies and identify gaps. Invest in technologies that align with the digital transformation goals and have the scalability to support future growth.
  • Integration Capabilities: Choose technologies that seamlessly integrate with each other. Integration ensures a cohesive and streamlined digital ecosystem, preventing disjointed processes.

5. Data-Driven Decision-Making:

  • Data Governance: Implement robust data governance practices to ensure the quality, security, and integrity of data. A solid foundation for data management is crucial for informed decision-making.
  • Analytics and Insights: Leverage data analytics tools to gain actionable insights. Data-driven decision-making empowers organizations to respond quickly to market trends and customer needs.

6. Customer-Centric Approach:

  • Customer Journey Mapping: Understand the customer journey and identify touchpoints where digital interventions can enhance the experience. A customer-centric approach ensures that digital transformation initiatives directly impact customer satisfaction.
  • Personalization: Utilize data to personalize customer interactions. Tailored experiences foster customer loyalty and contribute to a positive brand perception.

7. Agile Methodology:

  • Agile Framework: Adopt an agile methodology for project management. The iterative and flexible nature of agile allows for adjustments based on feedback and evolving requirements.
  • Continuous Improvement: Embrace a culture of continuous improvement. Regular retrospectives and feedback loops contribute to refining strategies and processes over time.

8. Change Management:

  • Communication and Training: Effective change management is crucial for a smooth transition. Communicate changes transparently and provide comprehensive training to equip employees with the skills needed for the digital landscape.
  • Employee Involvement: Involve employees in the process of change. Their insights can be valuable, and active participation fosters a sense of ownership in the transformation.

9. Cybersecurity Measures:

  • Security Infrastructure: Prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect digital assets and sensitive data. Implement robust security infrastructure and stay abreast of evolving threats.
  • Employee Training on Security Practices: Educate employees on cybersecurity best practices. Human error is a common factor in security breaches, and awareness training is a crucial preventive measure.

10. Measuring and Monitoring Progress:

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define measurable KPIs aligned with the digital transformation objectives. Regularly assess progress against these indicators to track success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback mechanisms for employees and customers. Insights from feedback loops provide valuable information for refining strategies and addressing challenges.

11. Adaptability and Flexibility:

  • Anticipate and Embrace Change: The digital landscape is dynamic, and organizations must anticipate and embrace change. Foster a mindset of adaptability to respond effectively to emerging technologies and market shifts.
  • Iterative Approach: Adopt an iterative approach to digital transformation. Regularly reassess strategies and make adjustments based on lessons learned and evolving business needs.

12. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • Industry Collaboration: Explore collaborations with other organizations in the industry. Partnerships can provide access to complementary resources, shared expertise, and accelerate the digital transformation journey.
  • Vendor Partnerships: Forge strategic partnerships with technology vendors. These partnerships can facilitate access to cutting-edge technologies, support, and insights.

Conclusion: achieving a successful digital transformation is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a strategic vision, leadership commitment, and a comprehensive approach to technology adoption. By following these best practices, organizations can navigate the complexities of digital transformation. And emerge technologically advanced but also more agile, customer-focused, and well-positioned for future

Change Management: Best Practices for Smooth Transitions

Change is inevitable, and in the dynamic landscape of business, organizations must navigate transitions effectively to thrive. Change management is a critical aspect of this process, ensuring that individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole adapt smoothly to new initiatives. Here, we delve into the best practices around change management, providing insights into strategies that facilitate a seamless transition.

1. Clear Communication:

  • Open and Transparent Communication Channels: Establish open lines of communication to keep all stakeholders informed about the upcoming changes. Transparency builds trust and reduces uncertainty.
  • Consistent Messaging: Ensure consistency in the messages conveyed to various levels of the organization. Clear and concise communication helps employees understand the reasons behind the change.

2. Leadership Involvement and Support:

  • Visible Leadership: Leaders should actively demonstrate their commitment to the change. Visible support from top-level management helps set the tone for the entire organization.
  • Effective Communication from Leaders: Leaders must articulate the vision behind the change and convey the benefits it will bring. Regular communication reinforces the message and addresses concerns.

3. Associate Involvement:

  • Engage Employees in the Process: Involve employees in the planning and decision-making stages. Their input can provide valuable insights and foster a sense of ownership in the change.
  • Training and Development Opportunities: Equip employees with the necessary skills to adapt to the change. Training programs and professional development opportunities can empower them to embrace new processes.

4. Thorough Planning:

  • Comprehensive Change Plan: Develop a detailed change management plan that outlines the scope, objectives, and timeline of the change initiative. A well-structured plan minimizes disruptions and ensures a smooth transition.
  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk analysis to anticipate potential challenges. Identifying and mitigating risks in advance enhances the organization’s ability to manage unexpected issues.

5. Cultural Assessment and Alignment:

  • Understand Organizational Culture: Assess the current organizational culture to understand how it may impact the change process. Align the change strategy with the existing culture or work on cultural shifts if necessary.
  • Leadership Alignment with Culture: Ensure that leadership practices align with the desired cultural changes. Leaders should exemplify the values promoted by the organization.

6. Feedback Mechanisms:

  • Establish Feedback Loops: Create mechanisms for gathering feedback throughout the change process. Regular check-ins with employees and stakeholders provide insights into how the change is being perceived and implemented.
  • Adapt Based on Feedback: Act on the feedback received. Flexibility in the change plan allows for adjustments based on real-time insights, increasing the likelihood of successful implementation.

7. Recognition and Celebration:

  • Acknowledge Milestones: Celebrate achievements and milestones reached during the change process. Recognition fosters a positive environment and encourages continued commitment to the change.
  • Highlight Success Stories: Share success stories of individuals or teams that have successfully embraced the change. Positive reinforcement motivates others to follow suit.

8. Technology Integration:

  • Utilize Change Management Tools: Leverage technology and software tools specifically designed for change management. These tools can streamline communication, track progress, and provide analytics to measure the success of the change initiative.
  • Digital Training Platforms: Implement digital training platforms to facilitate remote learning and upskilling. Technology-driven training ensures accessibility and flexibility for employees.

9. Sustainment and Continuous Improvement:

  • Post-Implementation Review: Conduct a thorough review after the change has been implemented. Evaluate the effectiveness of the change management process and identify areas for improvement.
  • Embed Change into Organizational DNA: Ensure that the changes become ingrained in the organization’s culture. Continuous improvement is a key aspect of sustaining change over the long term.

10. Measuring Success:

  • Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish measurable KPIs to assess the success of the change initiative. Metrics could include employee satisfaction, productivity, and adherence to new processes.
  • Regular Evaluation: Continuously evaluate the impact of the change on organizational goals. Use feedback and data to refine strategies and make informed decisions for future change initiatives.

Effective change management is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, open communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By incorporating these best practices, organizations can navigate change with confidence, ensuring that their teams are not only resilient but also positioned for success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Navigating the Transformative Landscape: Current Trends in Retail in 2023

In the dynamic realm of retail, brick-and-mortar stores are undergoing significant transformations in 2023. One prominent trend is the integration of technology to enhance the in-store experience. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications are being deployed to engage customers, offering them immersive experiences that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Interactive displays and smart mirrors are becoming commonplace, allowing shoppers to visualize products in real-time. Moreover, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing inventory management and customer service, providing retailers with valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Another notable shift is the emphasis on sustainability and eco-conscious practices. As consumers increasingly prioritize environmentally friendly choices, retailers are adapting by adopting sustainable sourcing, reducing packaging waste, and implementing energy-efficient technologies. The eco-friendly focus extends beyond products to the design and construction of physical stores, with many retailers opting for green building practices and renewable energy sources.

The convergence of online and offline shopping experiences is a trend reshaping the landscape. Retailers are investing in omnichannel strategies to create a seamless journey for consumers, allowing them to transition effortlessly between online and in-store shopping. Click-and-collect services have gained momentum, providing customers with the convenience of online browsing and the immediacy of in-store pickup. The integration of mobile apps and e-commerce platforms with brick-and-mortar locations enhances personalization and facilitates a more connected shopping experience.

Furthermore, the concept of experiential retail is taking center stage. Beyond traditional transactions, consumers seek memorable experiences when they visit physical stores. Retailers are responding by transforming their spaces into immersive environments that offer more than just products. Pop-up events, workshops, and interactive installations create a sense of community and engagement, encouraging customers to view the store as a destination rather than a mere transaction point.

Adapting to changing consumer expectations, brick-and-mortar retailers are investing heavily in data analytics. Harnessing the power of big data enables businesses to gain insights into customer preferences, buying patterns, and overall market trends. This data-driven approach not only informs inventory management but also facilitates targeted marketing strategies. Personalized promotions, loyalty programs, and tailored recommendations are becoming increasingly prevalent, enhancing the overall customer experience.

In response to the rise of e-commerce giants, many brick-and-mortar retailers are exploring collaborations and partnerships to strengthen their competitive position. Strategic alliances with online platforms and local businesses are fostering innovative approaches to customer acquisition and retention. Joint marketing efforts and shared loyalty programs create a symbiotic relationship that leverages the strengths of both online and offline retail.

While the digital landscape continues to evolve, brick-and-mortar retail is far from obsolete. The trends in 2023 reflect a dynamic industry that is embracing change and leveraging technology to meet the evolving needs of consumers. By blending the physical and digital realms, prioritizing sustainability, creating memorable experiences, and harnessing the power of data, brick-and-mortar retailers are not only surviving but thriving in the ever-evolving retail landscape.

How to Successfully Lead Accounts

First Understand the Role of an Account Manager

  • Account Manager’s responsibilities
  • Type of relationship between Account Managers and Clients

Key Skills for Successful Account Management:

  • a. Communication Skills
    • Active listening
    • Effective verbal AND written communication
    • Tailor communication to different stakeholders
  • b. Relationship Building
    • Build trust with clients
    • Nurture long-term relationships
    • Manage expectations
  • c. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
    • Identify client challenges
    • Develop innovative solutions
    • Adapt to changing client needs
  • d. Time Management and Organization
    • Prioritize tasks and deadlines
    • Utilize tools for efficiency
    • (?) Juggle multiple client accounts

Strategies for Successful Account Management:

  • a. Needs Assessment and Understanding Client Objectives
    • Conduct comprehensive client needs assessments
    • Align solutions with client objectives
  • b. Proactive Account Management
    • Anticipate client needs
    • Offer value-added services
  • c. Strategic Planning
    • Develop account plans
    • Set clear and achievable goals
  • d. Crisis Management
    • Handle client concerns and complaints
    • Turn challenges into opportunities

Internal Teams:

  • a. Coordination with Project Managers and Consultants
    • Facilitate smooth communication
    • Ensure client expectations align with project deliverables
  • b. Feedback Loop with Sales and Marketing Teams
    • Provide insights for BD
    • Collaborate on marketing initiatives

Continuous Improvement & Professional Development:

  • a. Seeking Client Feedback
    • Conduct client satisfaction surveys
    • Implement feedback for improvement
  • b. Staying Updated on Industry Trends
    • Continuous learning in consulting practices
    • Attend workshops and conferences

Rules for Quality Business Writing

  • Know your reader/audience
  • Know your message
  • Be direct up front: conclusion first
  • Reporter: who, what, where, when, why
  • Keep it tight: relevant and valuable info only
  • Remove jargon / buzzwords / cliches / idioms / symbols
  • Direct, not passive sentences : SVO, SVO, SVO

(bullets, deadlines, proofread)

Learning to Write

Throughout the coming months my intention is to dedicate some time to practice writing. Better said, the goal is to just write more and publish here as a form of light accountability. The expectation is that on the other side of this proposed period of time, the quality of the output is higher than current. I have decided to set Scott Adams’ well known post as my guiding north star in these exercises.

Land Mass

Geo question came up, which is larger by size: Venezuela or Ukraine? Venezuela won with 916,000km2 (population 33M), Ukraine 603,000km2 (~45M population). Thinking about the relative size of Africa and the infographic that came out on social networks some time ago, became curious about the land mass of the different continents and countries. A quick list below with rounded rough numbers

Asia 45 million km2
Africa 30 million km2
North America 25 million km2
South America 18 million km2
Europe 10 million km2
USA 10 million km2
Australia 8 million km2
Russia 17 million km2
Canada 10 million km2
China 10 million km2

US Petroleum Imports

I am regularly asked what is the status of the relationship between US and Venezuela. Depending on the level of foreign affairs knowledge of the audience I answer a little differently, but I do add that through the diplomatic dialogue and media statements AND sanctions imposed by the US, the oil trade continues without skipping a beat and that Venezuela is one of the top sources of US’s imported petroleum products. The full list is here but the top of the list of sources of imported (ignoring domestic production completely for now) petroleum products (mostly crude) are:

Total ~9MM bbl/d
Canada 37%
Saudia Arabia 13%
Mexico 9%
Venezuela 9%
Russia 4%


May be interesting for some to see that the US does plenty of business with “bad” countries as well, just does not advertise its activities.


Olympic Games’ Host Cities by Year

I was curious about the upcoming Olympic games, then challenged myself to fill in as many of the recent two decades of games’ locations. Failed at that miserably and referenced the rest of the locations for a complete list.

2018South Korea
2002Salt Lake City
Barcelona1992Albertsville FR
Los Angeles1984Sarajevo
Moscow1980Lake Placid
Mexico City1968Grenoble FR
Rome1960Squaw Valley
Melbourne+ Stockholm1956Italy
London1948St. Moritz
Los Angeles1932Lake Placid
Amsterdam1928St. Moritz
St. Louis1904---

6 Steps of Successful Delegation


Ask the person to repeat back the information

 1. Prepare before delegating

2. Specifically and clearly define the task

3. Clearly outline the time frame

4. Define the level of authority to use with this task

Level 1: Authority to Recommend

Level 2: Authority to Inform and Initiate

Level 3: Authority to Act

5. Identify Checkpoints to Review Progress

From more frequent to more sparse as quality improves

6. Debrief

What went well

What can be improved

What has been learned

Taken back in 2009 from If You Want It Done Right, You Don’t Have to Do It Yourself by Donna Genett; this list shared with Mark Weber as a tool and guideline for empowering the AMs. <edit: forgot that I wrote about this many years ago>

Beef Cattle Production and Fabrication Yields

A 12-15 months old heifer (or mature cow)
impregnated by a bull or though  AI
after a 9 month (280-285 days) gestation period (pregnancy)
creates a 70-100lb calf
6-8 months on a farm with the mother
creates a 500-600lb calf
which is purchased at around $1,000USD
6-8 months in the feedlot
eating 1.5%-2.5% of body weight daily
20-30lbs of feed a day
creates a 1200-1300lb animal.
60%-62% of the animal weight yields a fridge carcass
a carcass weight of 730-820lbs
bones are 20% of the carcasss weight
and 350-400 boneless meat from the carcass
which is 30%-35% of the live animal weight
and the rest is fat trimmings.
30% is Chuck
22% is Round
21% is Loin
11% is Rib
7% is Short Plate
5% is Brisket
3% is Flank
1% is Shank
Beef graded by USDA:
2% is Prime
5% is Choice (moderate)
14% is Choice (modest)
34% is Choice (small)

Influence — Summary of Cialdini’s 6 Principles

1. Reciprocity
After receiving something such a gift, people are more likely to comply with your request as a way to give back.
2. Commitment and Consistency
After people have committed to themselves either verbally or in writing, they are more likely to do as they said.
3. Social Proof
In making a choice through uncertainty or unfamiliarity people look for what others have done and follow in the same perceived ‘correct’ path.
4. Liking
People are more likely to comply if the person making the request is likeable, attractive, familiar or similar to the person.
5. Authority
People who even only project an image of authority and credibility (independent of owning it) receive higher compliance.
6. Scarcity
Perception of ‘hard to get’ or loss of opportunity rallies people into guided action.


From the highly praised classic by Robert Cialdini PhD ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion‘ Just as applied economics is gripping, books on applied psychology are fascinating and can be highly valuable.

1/2 of Chinese actually know the region Napa

surveyed 913 middle- and upper-class urban Chinese aged 18 to 50, of whom 43% lived in Shanghai, 60% were men, and 45% earned more than ¥10,000 (£1,025) per month.

….when it came to prompted knowledge of wine regions, Bordeaux came out on top, with 87% of those surveyed saying they were aware of the appellation, followed by Provence (60%), Napa (57%) and then the Barossa (54%).

Top 25 Films

I am constantly asked to list off my top movie, or a top 5 list. It’s very tough to rank some films above others accounting for different segmentation. Here is a list of top 25 that I relatively quickly pieced together. Side note: when guessing the year of the film I guesses 10 exactly correct and on average for the 25 was off by 1.1 years.

Table is sortable.


North By Northwest1959Alfred Hitchcock
Vertigo1958Alfred Hitchcock
The Godfather1972Francis Ford Coppola
Heat1995Michael Mann
The Lives of Others2006Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Casablanca1942Michael Curtiz
High and Low1963Akira Kurosawa
Burnt by the Sun1994Nikita Mikhalkov
Scent of a Woman1992Martin Brest
The Usual Suspects1995Bryan Singer
The Aviator2004Martin Scorsese
Volver2006Pedro Almodovar
Catch me if You Can2002Steven Spielberg
Last of the Mohicans1992Michael Mann
Belle Epoque1992Fernando Trueba
From Here to Eternity1953Fred Zinnemann
LA Confidential1997Curtis Hanson
Todo Sobre Mi Madre1999Pedro Almodovar
Hable Con Ella2002Pedro Almodovar
Sabrina1995Sydney Pollack
Walking the Streets of Moscow1964Georgiy Daneliya
The English Patient1996Anthony Minghella
The Philadelphia Story1940George Cukor
East/West1999Regis Wargnier
Stealing Beauty1996Bernardo Bertolucci

How Many Times Product Changes Hands in China

This is an excellent visual of how products entering China flow through multiple ownership. Good for understanding where markup originates and why some imported products (such as wine) is a multiple of the price in the source country, take a look at these who could be in play withing the supply chain.Export Dist Diagram